Friday, January 29, 2010

Evidence of GOD

I have the most fabulous story to share with you....

Forgive me...

I have no pictures. I had no idea what we would witness.

Mr. Sweet Pea and I set off today to Palm Coast FL, a quaint little beach community about an hour north of Daytona Beach, to pick up a buffet that I purchased from Clair~~the coolest fellow junker that I have met in a long time. So you exit off of I~95 and go due east to A~1A which runs right along the beach on the eastern coast of Florida. Just as we come up to A~1A, I look up and there it is... The ocean.

Mind you, I am not a beach person. There was the initial fascination when I moved to Florida, but that has long since gone by the way. There was just something about it today that awakened me. It was all you could see. Vast. Impressive. It demanded my full attention. I fell in love again...

After we left Claire's we decided to have some lunch along the beach. She recommended a place and were it not for that recommendation we would have missed the second part of this story...

As we drove south on A~1A we saw people along the dunes obviously checking something out. I had seen a few dolphin come up out of the water going to Claire's but this seemed different. We pulled over and walked across the highway and there before our eyes was more evidence.


Just there in the ocean for our entertainment. We were in awe...

We reluctantly left the dune and had our lunch. We could still see bits of them from the beachside place that Claire recommended.

It was a good day...

Thank you Claire.


Sandi (Meme) said...

There is something truly magical about whales in nature, isn't there? I am always truly amazed at the fact that they can be so HUGE and yet so graceful. Hope you have a blessed weekend!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

How wonderful! I have never seen them, but I would love to. Kinda on my bucket list!!

trash talk said...

And this is why I love you right totally get it. It's not the big's the Amen things.

Anonymous said...

How truly blessed you were today. We forget how awesome God's creatures are. I have wanted to go whale watching here in So. Ca. but so far it has not been something I have done and look at you, you were just driving by!

Sue said...

We get dolphins here where I live in Southern CA, and we can go whale watching. But the BEST whale watching that just blew me away and I was in AWE was in Maui. The whales were swimming under the boat and so very close to us. Absolutely beautiful and breath taking. Nature always awakens things inside of us I think!
Take care, Sue

Sheila said...

Thanks for sharing the beauty of the Lords doing. God is great... I feel this way about so many things, He leaves mw in awe of his beautiful mysterious creations. Just think of flowers their many layers and the mountains and the healing our body can do on it's own because of Him :), awe the wonders:) Have a wonderful weekend...


Jonathan said...

How wonderful! It sounds like a perfectly wonderful day!

Sister Patty said...

Such a Kodak moment and no camera... I'm beginning to think a camera is more important than a cell phone or even... gulp... a tube of lipstick or a bottle of perfume! Yet, it's wonderful to develop the picture in my own mind... trying to envision what you saw!

Thanks for sharing... beautiful...

My Grama's Soul said...

NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING can outdo the work of GOD!

Blessings to you friend,


sassytrash said...

That would have been the thrill of a lifetime for me--I have never witnessed whales frolicking free in the ocean-we only had dolphins on the other coast of FL.
Thanks for sharing!!

June said...

It sounds like one of those amazing experiences that just sneak up on us. I love it when something awakens me to the fact that there is something more to this life.
Shelley there is something about the ocean that frightens this little land locked country girl. When I see it up close and personal, it really scares me. I hated

vignette design said...

Sometimes, things just hit us, and everything falls into place to create a magical moment in time. Thank you for sharing that beautiful story.

Lisa said...

Gives me chills just imagining it. Awesome! Lisa

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Sounds amazing...would love to see them myself,lucky you! All the best,Chrissy

Willow Decor said...

What a wonderful story! How lucky for you see whales. Yes, the ocean is so pretty - it always draws me in as well!

Seawashed said...

Wow! Whales are an amazing thing to see. They put you in Awe. As you know I love the beach...but it is the quiet, cold, empty Northern (pacific) beaches that I prefer. I lived in Southern Cali during my college years and loved the beach, but not so much the heat, crowd, and tiny bikini's everywhere. Even though back then I looked good in a tiny bikini, I wasn't one to flaunt it and didn't like it flaunted in front of me either. I'm a long flowing skirt, cozy sweater, sock hat, dangling scarf beach girl.

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