Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What Was Off Is Now On

Nothing like waiting til the eleventh hour to decide to do a three day antique show... I was planning to do the show at Renninger's Antique Extravaganza this weekend in Mt. Dora FL, then I sort of talked myself out of it...

Last night I decided to do it. Yikes. I am on a break from throwing a load together and wanted to put the word out that I will be there, in the field, booth 1123. If you were there in November, it's the row right behind where I was at that show.

I have lots of good garden junk, primitives and some stuff from my personal stash that is awesome.

Hope to see you there...

Renninger's Antique Extravaganza
Highway 441
Mt. Dora FL
Fri the 19th thru Sunday the 21st


Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

Hi Shelley!
I will be in Florida on the west coast from theMarch 17th thru the 23rd....anything going on then? I would love to visit you if you are doing any shows! :)Laura

vignette design said...

Oh how I wish I could be there. But am coming to Round Top! I here you do that show as well?

sweetpea said...

Yes I do the Marburger Farms show in tent H and also attend the blog party hosted by Teresa at Garden Antgs Vintage. Hope to meet you!



sweetpea said...

Hi Laura! The only thing I know of is the show in Mt. Dora which is the 19th thru the 21st. I will be in booth 1123 in the open field. Be sure to stop by if you can make it.



Susie~From My Home To Yours said...

Hey Shelley....I have Friday off of work, so Michael and I are planning on coming to the show! Yea, I finally get a day off (well I have to work Sat), but at least we can be there Friday. Will Rex be with you need any help? Let us know!

Cya Friday...glad you're doing the show.

AuroraSuzette said...

I hope it goes well!

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

S: I wish you much luck and hope you do great! Wish I could click my heals three times and be there.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck Ms Shelley and to Mr Sweet Pea, hope you have a fantastic sale. I know you will have wonderful treasures and wish I could come! Will be in Texas though for Marburger in a few weeks:)))

Raised In Cotton

Had to post using "Anonymous" because I kept getting an OPEN ID error

lulu redstar said...

Good luck. I hope you have wonderful weather! ox

La Donna Welter said...

Wish I could be there!!!!!

Lisa said...

It's killin' me, hearing about your cool shows but not getting to go. I must come see you. Will you be in Round Top in the Spring? Lisa

sweetpea said...

Hi Lisa! Yes I do the Marburger show which is during the Round Top Antique group of shows. Please check my sidebar for a list of upcoming shows where I'll be.



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