Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Ones That Got Away... And A Giveback

Say what? Well I was all set to do this post about these...

Remember when I first introduced you to them?

Then they went here...

And now they are here...

Sorry guys, they were just too awesome to let them get away... They look so darn good in my living room.

And so on to the GIVEBACK... I realized after my last post that I had hit TWO HUNDRED POSTS! The lights were on but nobody at home apparently... Anyhoo, it's time for A GIVEBACK!!! Since this is so spur of the moment, I have no idea what the prize will be but I promise it will be awesome and in a couple of days I'll reveal what the winner will be a gettin'.

So tell your friends, tell your followers, heck tell everyone to post a comment and you'll be in the running. I'd love it if you post about the GIVEBACK but you don't have to to enter. I think I'll give a second prize that will be drawn from anyone who does post about it. How's that? So let me know if you do post about it and you'll go into a second drawing.

Aaannndd all my followers will automatically be entered. No coercion to become one to enter, but if you do join me between now and the drawing date you're in like flynn. If you are a follower and you leave a comment you get two chances to win.

You do not need to have a blog to enter. If you are commenting anonymously please leave an email address in your comment so I can contact you in the event you win.

DRAWING ENDS IN ONE WEEK ON TUESDAY MAY 4TH AT MIDNIGHT... I'll be back with the prize shortly. Good luck all!


Passionate for White said...

I would have found it quite difficult to give those up as well!

DustyLu said...

oh ya i am already a happy go lucky follower! ~lulu

DustyLu said...

I am in like Flynn! Seriously your my new best friend! I always say that! Pinky swear! I do, I can't believe there is another fab women out there that says that! Friends now for sure...hehe..lol ~lulu

trash talk said...

I think those chairs would be an excellent prize...what do you say? No-o-o...well then...you pick!
I know I'm a winner for sure...the 4th is the oldest melon head's b'day!

Donna @ The House on the Corner said...

I'm so impressed that you've surpassed 200 posts!! I've just started my blog and I'm on lucky number 5!! I aspire though :-)


Unknown said...

Ohhhh...I'm with Debbie...lol...love those chairs! Yep, count me in for the drawing...

Mindy said...

I'd be happy if you'd just frame some pics of the chairs. What you have in your post is amazing. Love 'em! You're right. They fit your home beautifully, from what I see. Good for you for keeping them! ~Mindy

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

Will the prize possibly be one of those chairs :) I'll do a post on your giveaway.

Sheila said...

Ooh so mysterious... I am a follower already and well... that's about it :) btw I love the chairs too.


Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

Gorgeous chairs! I can't blame you a bit for hanging onto those!
I would love to be entered in your giveaway as I am a big fan and love following the evolution of your style! :)
And I will put your give away up on my side-bar!
Thanks for a chance! :)

Vintage Market Place said...

yay how exciting, it is sure to be an awesome giveback, you taste and style are to die for.

Gail said...

Awesome chairs....would mean a divorce for me, but awesome chairs......might even be worth a divorce ~wink~.

Danielle said...

congrats on 200! Please enter me in your drawing. Great chair!

stefanie said...

lol, I have done the Same thing!!!

Rochelle said...

Those certainly are the most gorgeous chairs I've ever seen! All shabby and tattered (just the way I like 'em)!

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

I will be keeping my fingers crossed!!! Thanks for the opportunity!

Anne Lorys said...

Those are some gorgeous chairs there, ma'am!

And congrats on surpassing 200! I passed 200 and didn't even realize it until a week later. Serves me right for never shutting up. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 200th + post! I don't have a blog but I sure do enjoy YOURS. I would love to be entered in your giveback and trust that whatever you choose as the prize will be AWESOME!

Sorry this shows up as 'anonymous'; I'm Debra :)

AuroraSuzette said...

Count me in. And I already follow you! Seriously, the chairs? Too good.

Patina said...

Those are pretty sweet chairs, I think they found a nice home!

Thank you for treating us to a giveaway. I plan on doing a post tonight so I'll mention it on my blog.

Have a great day!

FrannyRN1 said...

I love these chairs. I wish I could get my hands on some of these too. I would not be able to part with them either.They are beautiful.

FrannyRN1 said...

I am a follower now. So glad I found your website.Love your style.

The Feathered Nest said...

Oh Shelley!!! Congratulations sweetie, 200 posts!!!! I wish you many, many more because we all love seeing what you're up to and love your wonderful taste!!! I would love to be included and am posting about your giveback in my next post ~ hugs and love, Dawn

Angela said...

I'm so glad you got your chairs!!

Tallulah's Antique Closet said...

Great chairs! And the display of the other treasures are wonderful. Have a good day and thanks for sharing...Julian

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

These chairs ARE great! Congratulations on your milestone! Please enter me in your giveaway~ I am a follower and have posted this one my sidebar!

Rebecca said...

The chairs are too wonderful, I wouldn't give em up either.
Count me in for the counting and I am already your follower!
Have a great Wednesday

Carole said...

Just saw your giveaway on Laura's blog. You know I think you're too cool and way talented. Love the chairs.
Will put you on my sidebar.

raggygirlvintage said...

I am a follower, please count me in for your giveback. Like the sense of mystery not knowing what the giveaway is!

Miss Gracie's House said...

Oh put me in! I can so see ehy you couldn't part with the chairs...just the right amount of shabbiness.
Thank you for taking the time to show us all of the wonders in Texas and you're right...you do need to be reimbursed for all of your hard work:)
THANK YOU so very much for your sweet words of encouragement!

June said...

I am so proud of you girl...keeping those beauties all to yourself! They are stunners, that's for sure. They do look smart in your living room.
Yay, a giveback...I would love to be entered!

RACHELLE said...

200 delicious posts full of delightful eyecandy.

Thank You!

we are blessed by your creativeness!



sf said...

I adore those chairs!! And to have a pair, you lucky girl!!

Linda @ Painted Whyte said...

Hi I found you from my shabby roses and i'm so glad i did - those chairs are AMAZING!!! If you ever get bored of them let me know ... ya right as if anyone could get bored of them... but just incase i'm putting it out there. As soon as i finish my hello to you i am going to add myself to your follower list. I am a new blogger of about 2 weeks and love it so much - i don't know why i waited so long. If you have some time come for a visit http://paintedwhyte.blogspot.com

afistfullofweeds* said...

Oh, Oh, Me me me!! Love your blog...now following (I really thought I was already!) Thanks! Rhonda

Missy @ Chateau Chic Boutique said...

What a lovely blog you have! So glad to have found you. I linked over from Faded Charm. I just love her too. I look forward to following you as well. I think I missed the midnight deadline but wanted to post anyway!

One Blessed Mommie
Chateau Chic Boutique

Mélanie A. said...

It is great they went back with you. They are beautiful

Dorthe said...

Hi I found you at Dawn`s blog,
and woow your chairs are just wonderfull.
I have become a follower, watching your blog,-I just had to ,
and would love to be entered in your giveaway.
I`m Dorthe -denlillelade.blogspot.com if you like to have a look.

Lululiz said...

I have come over from Dawn's blog, and have just spent a lovely half hour or so looking through your gorgeous blog. I love it! Had to become a follower, lol.
Congratulations on the 200 posts milestone!

The Cinnamon Stick said...

The chairs are not for me...however a giveaway from you would be extra fine...please pick my name!!! Judy

Unknown said...

I love those chairs...I have been on the lookout for some. Everyone around here wants a fortune for them.
Very lucky find. I am a follower BTW!

SuZeQ said...

Ohhhhhhhh. Pretty. Pretty.

Debra said...

Congrats on 200 posts! A surprise giveway- how exciting!

Sally L. Smith said...

Oh, yes, please. Any give-away from you will be awesome (like your chairs are awesome.) Enter me away.--Sally

Sally L. Smith said...

Oh, yes, enter me away. Any giveaway you have will be awesome (like your chairs are awesome.)

Ms. Robinson said...

LOVE THE CHAIRS....200 post...way to go.

she dreams big! said...

Going to post your giveaway on my sidebar right now! Hope that counts as another chance!

Sandi said...

Count me in on the giveaway.

she dreams big! said...

A look at those chairs AND a giveaway? What could possibly be better! (Well, maybe owning those chairs myself). I'm a follower, my dear, so count me in!

barbaraboxell said...

Love those chairs!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous blog! would love to win!!

barbaraboxell said...

I'm a follower too-love your blog!

chicroses said...

I am not lucky to win anything but just wanted to say Hi...now to go back and push the follower button and explore your blog more..neat chairs..sally

butterflykisses said...

OOOOOOh luv those chairs.... Wish I could see more of your stuff in Otown... been folowing you to your different spots when you have your sales! Only in Florida though!!!!

butterflykisses said...

OOOh love the chairs.... Wish you had more sales at home or in shops around Otown!!!!

Barbara Jean said...


Please enter my name. I know the prize will be wonderful whatever you choose.


barbara jean

diane from vintage tickled pink said...

love your blog. please enter me! diane vintagetickledblog.

thesimpledaze said...

I would love to be in your give away no matter what the prize I know it will be to die for.I am just starting to switch from the primitive look which I have had forever to the darling cottage look.What a switch from the dark and worn look to the bright and cheerful light and airy I love it.I too am going to be a follower soon as I finish here.Oh, I could of never parted with those adorable chairs either they are definitely keepers.Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day.

Stacey said...

Those are beautiful chairs! I would have kept them myself!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't give up those chairs either - they are incredible!!!

I only recently discovered your blog and added it to my blogroll (last week?), but also just joined as a 'Follower'. I would love to have my name tossed in a couple of times along with Flynn's and everyone else! :)

Love, LOVE your style! Happy day to you and yours!

summersundays-jw said...

Congrats on 200 posts -- I just passed 200. That's a lot of words & pics. The chairs are great. Jan

Leanne said...

I love it when Dawn mentions a new giveaway and I get to discover a new blog! Count me in for your giveaway!

Unknown said...

Awesome chairs!! Keep them ,they look fabulous in your home.What a fun way doing a give-back.Have a sunny day.Chickie from chickievintagechic.blogspot.com

Carol Mae said...

Count me in, love your chair. I'm also a follower. Smiles, Carol mae

Pamela Jane said...

Such fabulous chairs, with all that character -- no doubt they are keepers! I have one similar but smaller chair in palest blue painted wood that also just sits around being admired. :) Looking forward to seeing your giveaway!

Jamie said...

Glad to find your blog! Love the chairs! I have also hit 200 posts and am having a 'surprise' giveaway! Jamie V in MT

Debra@CommonGround said...

There is no way those EVER would have left my house. they are amazing! Please count me in on the giveaway, you know I'm a follower and fan, and I'll link up to you on my sidebar toot sweet!
Have a wonderful day!

Cheryl said...

Count me in too! I know it will be an awesome giveback! I've been a follower for a while now..love your style! Do stop by for a visit sometime..you are some great inspiration! Fabulous chairs, by the way!

Unknown said...

...the chairs are f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s!!
~ and congrats on your 200+ posts!!
xo, Rosemary

My Grama's Soul said...

Love the chair......been a follower for some time.


lifespassion said...

I, too am a follower! Someday I hope to have a blog of my own, but for now I live vicariously thru you all!

Dragonlady said...

Hi, I got here via Dawn @ THe Feathered Nest n I love surprises...
love your blog

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm a new follower, too! Can't wait to look around and make myself at home...maybe in one of those fab chairs! Thanks! ♥

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see what you are giving up! Hope I'm the lucky one! Susan

wandamarie.blogspot.com said...

i looooooove your blog and so glad to find it!!!!!

Judyknits said...

I'm so glad to have found your blog! Dawn at Feathered Nest sent me here! Am now a follower and would love your giveaway!


nancarts said...

Just found you! Love your blog and am now a follower. Please include me in your give away. I'm sure whatever it is will be amazing!
Love the chairs...can see these in
a really shabby room. Enjoy.

Smiles and Blessings,

RobinBirdsNest said...

Just became a follower!

RobinBirdsNest said...

the chairs are awesome! Lovin' your blog! so glad I found it!!

RobinBirdsNest said...

I just posted about your giveaway on my blog!

time worn interiors said...

Dang girl, I'm behind! Haven't been blogging and the next thing I know you are having a giveback and I almost missed it! Glad I turned my computer on this afternoon!

time worn interiors said...

Oh yeah, I will put you giveback on my sidebar!

Unknown said...

I'm a new follower! Remember me?

Unknown said...

I'm adding you to my sidebar for a giveaway!

Unknown said...

I sure hope you pick me. I can't believe I have not been following you. Where have I been. When is your next home sale? Don't forget me.

Anonymous said...

My kind of gal that kept those chairs. I can't throw away or give away those old beautiful things either.

Lisa said...

Wow, congrats sweetie! I am so on board with your giveback. I think I've read you since the beginning, a loyal follower! LOL I will spread the good word on my blog. I don't blame you one little bit for hoarding those awesome chairs. They are so 'sweet pea'! Lisa

Herbgirl said...

How wonderful! Put my name in then come over and enter my giveaway too!

Hugs N Herbal Blessings, Mandy

julie miller said...

Hey Shelley, I'm already a follower so throw my name in the hat please!! I hope I win~~I'm sure whatever you come up with will be wonderful!! Julie

VS said...

I LOVE your blog friend & thank you for having this fab give-away!!!

VS said...

Oh I LOVEthose chairs tooooo! I can't wait to meet you at the Festival in Sept...it will be my 1st time & I'm soooo excited! Thanks for the give-away,

oldgreymare said...

Count me in! How exciting!


Anonymous said...

I posted about your giveaway too!

Anonymous said...

Oh my those chairs are wonderful!!! I think I would be keeping them too!!

I'm a faithful follower and think a chair would be lovely if you need an idea for a giveaway!! See I am not being greedy- just one is all I ask!

bee blessed

judi said...

ooohhh i found you via itsy bits and pieces and am now a follower! i plan to put you on my sidebar too.
judi ;)

Anonymous said...

I love Round Top Antique Week! I have met the most interesting people and have shared wonderful homes with other crazy shoppers! You found some really treasures. Isn't it funny how old, worn, castaways, can be another's favorite finds? Don't you just love TEXAS!

Kim from The Sheep's Nest said...

Oh yeah and I just signed up to be a follower, can't believe I've never been here before! Glad to have found you. Kim

Peggy Lee said...

Love love the chairs, congrats on your 200 post....lovely blog.

Kim from The Sheep's Nest said...

Yes, I would have kept those chairs too!!! I would love to be apart of your giveaway as well. Kim

Unknown said...

Hello! I've been a lurker, quietly admiring all the amazing vintage style blogs. I've been pondering the idea of starting my own; just haven't mustered the courage yet... Your chairs are gorgeous and could probably tell some amazing stories if they could talk! I'd comment on your "Giveback", although I can't say I quite know what it is... :) Thank you for the opportunity to participate in your giveaway! Jenni

picklechips said...

A giveback you say...what a wonderful way
to celebrate your day....put my name in your 'hat' ..
LOVE your blog...found you via sweet Dawn!
Sherrie Waikart

Carol said...

Yippee Skippy!!!! I so adore surprises. Congratulations on reaching 200 posts, and just think of all the new friends you've met while on your blog journey. Please enter me in your drawing.



Anonymous said...

the ones that got away are always the only ones remembered.

nono said...

Congratulations on 200 post. I hope someday to be doing a giveaway on my blog after 200 post.

Raye Marie said...

Congratulations on 200 posts! I follow you on a feed. (rss) Thanks for the fun giveaway!

1 Funky Woman said...

Oh my heaven those chairs are amazing! They look fab there! Congrats on 200th post. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever get there! Love your blog!

Susie~From My Home To Yours said...

Wow Shelley! I want it...I want it all!

Gretchen said...

Congrats on your 200th post. That is fabulous.
Wow! Everything you have in your giveaway are fabulous! Would love to be the winner on this fabulous blog. We'll see.

clustres said...

Congratulations! Those chairs are gorgeous and you are right--you should not give them up. But please count me in on the giveaway!

Melissa said...

It looks like such a great giveaway! Please enter me.
missmelissaf at yahoo dot com

Rebecca said...

Oh to visit your booth and double oh to own those chairs! your style is swoon worthy!!!!

Pam said...

200 posts-congrats on this milestone, and I will look forward to many more- I enjoy your blog tremendously!

patricia@ReFind Home&Garden said...

I am quite sure that whatever you giveaway will be FABULOUS! Count me in!!! Love and Hugs, Patricia

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

This is a wonderful giveaway from one of my favorite blogs! You are on my blogroll and I follow you. Hope you are having a wonderful week!

Sarah said...

I couldn't part with those chairs either. Glad you kept them for yourself. I'd be honored to be entered in you give back. Please count me in.

Sarah said...

I forgot to say that I'm now a new follower. In like Flynn! I love that saying. :-)

Katie said...

I love your blog! So much fun to read, its a bit addicting!!

Erica said...

They were too good to give up :)

I know the feeling.

Boxwood Cottage said...

Gorgeous chair!!!
Oh and please include me in your drawing! Your flower frog is so so beautiful, I totally covet it and everything else is fabulous too, the one who wins will be a very lucky duck!
Warmest wishes

Danielle said...

Wonderful chairs!

molly- See you downtown said...

Those chairs are some of the sweetest I've ever seen, certainly I would be keeping them, too.

WW said...

Found your blog through True's Gift's from the heart, I love your look and read some of your past posts, so I became a follower too. Can't wait to read more.

nancijin said...

congrats on 200 posts, would love to win your goodies thanks again

Debby said...

So many goodies, and those chairs are awesome. I just found your blog by way of Lisa. Would love to be entered in your giveaway. Congrats on your 200th post. WOW!!!

north pal said...

hi, i am brand new to your sight and fiona sent me. it is always fun to find a new friend. think i have to be a follower.that is a good thing for me. Bestest,Denise

Beth A. @ Songbird Hill said...

Cute stuff in your giveaway. Just found you from Tarnished and Tattered. Glad I did!

Beatnheart said...

wow what a trip down here to post a comment...I'd like to enter your giveaway...I'm feeling lucky and happy...I think I'll become a follower too!

Libbie said...

Hey there...Anne of Fiona & Twig is where I saw your giveback...I just knew with all the goodies you had that I would LOVE your style! & I sure do! I am excited to follow now too! thanks!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Way to go girl...congrats on 200 post! Love, love the chairs and they look wonderful in your home.

Robyn said...

Very generous giveback. Congratulations on your 200th.

Preppy Mama said...

Congrats on 200!! I am so in and am definitely a follower now!! Thank you and have a great weekend, I will be posting this as well.

jacklynn4 said...

Came over from TOT's blog...love the chairs!

Creations By Cindy said...

Sweet eye candy. And yes, please enter me in your giveaway. Be blessed. Cindy

Fabulously French said...

Count me in too, love those chairs!

Leeann x

Cheryl Connell said...

Great giveaway - I love the flower frog!


***** said...

A very Happy 200 post to you…
The best give-aways … always come from the heart and I can tell this
is one of those...
Please add my name to your hat; I also just became a follower …


High Cotton said...

I just love those chairs. they look great. Hope I win the drawing. I really need it.

the old white house said...

What a great giveback! Congratulations on 200 posts! Please put the name in the hat, Theresa

Laura said...

I would love to be part of this great giveaway.
I am a follower because I want to be and your blog is awesome- thank you for the no pressure guideline.

Have a great Saturday.

White Spray Paint

French Cupboard said...

Hi Shelley. I saw a picture of them on another blog and drooled over them. I'm still drooling. Puddles of drool around here. =)

Blessings... Polly

Anonymous said...

I keep telling myself that I'll find chairs like this- if I jsut keep looking. SIGH. I'm still looking! WTG. Count me in twice, I'm off to become a follower. I'm going to add your giveaway as a button on the side of my blog- we're launching a little 'zine, and I want to keep it up there for now.

Rhonda Lou said...

what adorable things....I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee them all...

Beth said...

Please include me in your giveaway. You've got a great eye so I'm sure you'll be giving away something good!

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Shelley
I just popped over from Laura's [52 Flea] .. seems like we are both having giveaways.. I love the way you have put this.. it's true it's lovely to offer your followers an extra chance as they encourage us along our way..

Well those chairs are divine!!! I wouldn't want to part with them at all.. Congratulations on 200 posts!! quite an achievement... Will be happy to follow the clever crowd your way.. x Julie

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Happy to say I've put your giveaway in my sidebar... cheers.

The Smith Hotel said...

I found you from Anne at Fiona and Twig! Fab chairs!


Julie Pishny said...

I am so excited that you have had such a grand turnout to celebrate your 200th posting - way to go! I am new to your following and am so happy that I found you via Dawn's blog....now I can go enjoy your lovely photos and offerings. If I lived in TX I would so be buying stuff from your booth every week! Maybe it's a good thing after all - thank you for posting such a lovely blog for us to enjoy and being so generous to your readers. Hugs - Julie

Donna Rafferty said...

Looove those chairs - awesome! What a fantastic give-away!
I am following your blog via bloglines!

Sherry said...

Wow 200 posts! I am still under 20 but have enjoyed every minute. I also enjoyed looking at your blog and just became a follower.

Vintage Gran said...

I just became a follower and I'm excited about your giveaway. I love your blog and since I just started my blog I am so far away from 200 posts. Congratulations.

Cheri said...

I just recently became a follower. Love your blog...love your style.....LOVE those chairs and would love to win your giveback.

Anonymous said...

I love your style! Your blog is wonderful! Count me in for the giveaway.Thanks,Kathleen


LOVE the chairs!! I came over from Deb's Trash talkin & love your blog! Love your great taste & I am now a follower & will be back often!!

CHERI said...

Your blog is lovely. I've just found it and can't wait to look through it all! I'm going to be a follower too. Thanks for the giveaway...someone is going to be oh so lucky (hopefully me)!

kippy said...

I've been looking for that style chair for four years!

Ginny said...

Please include me in your giveaway. I am a follower and enjoy yuor blog very much. Congrats on your 200th post. That is quite something!

Your Beautiful Door said...

I look forward to smelling those great fragrances in person. Fingers, toes, legs, and eyes are crossed.

Unknown said...

Great idea automatically entering followers I'm so stealing that!!:) It seems only fair we joined before the giveaway!:)

Michele said...

I'm a new follower - I can see I'll be spending some hours catching up! Just finding you was a gift in itself - but winning a give a way would be so amazing. My sweet grandson (who knew being a grandmother would be this much fun) will be 4 months on May 4th so the omens are good!

scrappydarling said...

I am a new follower! :)

scrappydarling said...

What a wonderful blog! This is my first time here....thanks to 52 FLEA!

Six in One Hand said...

Those chairs are amazing!!!!
You always seem to find the best stuff!!!
Congrats on your 200th post!!!

Dumpster Decorators said...

I wouldn't be parting with them too quickly either.

lisaroy said...

I just stumbled upon your blog and it's beautiful - you have a new follower! Congrats on 200 posts!
That chair is stunning! xx

Olde Tyme Marketplace said...

Those chairs are to die for! Love your blog!

Faded Charm said...

Hi Shelly,

How have you been? Somehow I seemed to have missed your awesome giveaway. Am I too late? If not, please put my name in the hat.

Hope you are having a wonderful week so far.

Take care,


A Refocused Life said...

What a wonderful welcome to your blog - a giveback post. I've joined your followers and will now enjoy a tour of your blog.

RobinBirdsNest said...

Beautiful giveaway! I love,love,love your blog!!

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Dear Shelley, congrats on the 200 posts! Good decision on those incredible chairs - they are where they belong!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see what you're giving away! Thanks for being SO inspiring!

Sandi said...

Put my name in the drawing. Love your blog. Am a follower.

Beatnheart said...

I'm putting your giveaway on my sidebar now that i figured out how to do that!!

Lori said...

oh! i am glad i saw your last call in my reader because i never commented on this post...i LOVE those chairs...soooooo gorgeous...and i would love to win your giveaway...thanks for the chance and for the reminder to post here...i nearly missed out on my chance...

Rochelle said...

I am anticipating seeing what you are giving away.....congrats on 200+ posts!

Lauren B said...

I need to shout a couple of holy goodnesses!
1) HOLY GOODNESS! I almost missed the deadline
2)HOLY GOODNESS! There's a ton of comments, I stand no chance! I don't even know what I'm missing out on tho, cause it was never mentioned, but I know it's gonna be GOOD.
3)HOLY GOODNESS! Those chairs would look quite nice in my house as well, you shoud reconsider!

Deborah said...

Oh Shelley! Congrats on your 200 posts!I wish you many more because I love seeing what you're up to and you have such wonderful taste!I have been a follower of yours for a few years now. I piddle with antiques and only done a couple shows, but you live my dream, you inspire me to keep trying. Keep up what your doing because you have something great. Debbie

Orange Sink said...

Wow! 200 posts! Congrats that's a lot of posting! I found your blog through Curious Sofa. I will follow you now so I don't miss out on anything! I am a retired antiques dealer so I can identify with what you're doing.......looks wonderful! Nice Give back! Would love to be lucky on this one! Best Wishes! Cathy G

Victoria Ramos said...

congrats on the 200 mark! I found you through 52 flea! Love the chairs.

Rebecca said...

Hi Sweet Pea! I love your blog and check in frequently to see what you are up to. I have your blog linked on my sidebar :) so others can discover you too. Please add me to your drawing and Thanks! Your giveaway looks Fab!
Happiness, Rebecca

Dru Ann @ a Fine Farmhouse said...

Seems a little selfish to only begin to publicly follow you and leave a comment, when you offer a prize.... But, what wonderful timing it would be if I did win your sweet prize...as life has been difficult for me lately. I HAVE kept up with your blog now for quite a while...and MY style evolves.... I truly do love what you do and find you to be a sweet inspiration ! Thanks for all you do !

Annie said...

OMGosh! Did I make it under the wire for the Giveback? I hope so!

gretchen said...

tick, tock...

love the chairs, too!

Elizabeth Maxson said...

I LOVE those chairs - thanks for hanging on to them for me....I just know you had it mind all along that you couldn't go another day ....before you handed them over... :-) Don't turn your back, I am pretty darn quick. Congrats on the posting.

LOVE your stuff...your blog is great.


Unknown said...

OMG, I think I'm too late. Such a pity because I just discovered your blog and I love it. Your chairs are awesome and I'll follow your blog just to make sure not to miss anything from now on.

A hug from Germany,

Donna Reyne' said...

I too love the amazing chair(s)!
I am so glad you kept such wonderful treasures for yourself! Isn't this why we do what we do? First dibs on the really cool stuff?
I am already a follower but would love to be entered twice!
Everything you do is so amazing...It's got to be fantastic!

Donna Reyne' said...

okay the weirdest thing just happended...I now do not know if you got my first comment...so...I will leave you another!
I love the fab chairs...I totally think it's awesome that you kept them for yourself...Like I said in the first comment(that I don't know if you wil get) Isn't this why we do what we do...first dibs on the really stuff?

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Those chairs are a real find and look great in your home.
I cannot believe that I am just now finding out about your blog. It's beautiful! I found you at Debra's Common Ground. Your giveaway was on her sidebar and I just had to come over.
Glad I did. I am following you and will be back often.


kim said...

My friend and I just found your blog and we are both over the moon. Now our conversations start with," did you see on sweetpea..." love your chairs and your style.

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