Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Memory Tree

Holiday decorating in the land of SWEET PEA means simple in tones of white, cream, silver and brown. But there is one tree that is very different... Colorful... Special... Full of memories... I call it the MEMORY TREE.

You see, it is the tree that holds all the hand-made ornaments from the childhood of my two sons, one now 30 and the other soon to be 29. I have kept every single one they ever made and I treasure them beyond words. Thus, they get their own special little tree.



Six divided by two..... said...

OH I just love it!! How wonderful that you have those memories and use them.

Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

Aww...I love it...those sweet childhood memories! I have my adult children's decorations of long ago still on my tree too! They are in the back...but I love to take them out and remember those days...I couldn't get away with NOT putting them on!

time worn interiors said...

I have several boxes of things in the closet that hold all my childrens art work. One house were we lived, I had both walls going down the hall full of their art! Haven't looked at the stuff in a while! Great idea honoring them with a tree!

stefanie said...

I have a tree like that too, its my favortite!!!!


What a great idea, I love it and just might do that!!

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

That is ttttttttoooooooooooooo cute my friend. I have some of my boys homemade ornaments too and put them on the tree every year! That's really special.

June said...

Shelley I love your tree! The artwork from your now grown boys is so sweet. I bet this tree makes them smile when they see how much their mama loves them.
thank you for totally getting my hair crisis.lol

Debra@CommonGround said...

It's just wonderful! Their own special tree. Love the crock it's in too!

jules said...

what a great idea...i love it...

Anne Lorys said...

And I'll bet that tree is the most majestic one of all!
Nothing beats homemade. :-)

Anonymous said...

That is just beautiful....I also have every ornament that my sons (29, 28, 27) have made. Perhaps next year, I will go out and get a small tree and do the same....thanks for the idea!

Have the merries Christmas ever....

Holly said...

What a wonderful idea for your memories - I love it! I found your blog through BlogFrog and wanted to come over and say welcome! If you ever have any questions or suggestions for how we can be better, please let us know!

Holly (BlogFrog)

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