Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Do you live with what you love?

Do you use the "good" dishes or store them away for special occasions only?

Do you save your best outfit for certain functions or do you wear it every chance you get?

Do you live in fear of breaking a treasure or getting a spot on your favorite clothing?

Do you have so much stuff stored away that you've forgotten what you even own?

We all do it. We keep our treasures safely tucked away, rarely using them for fear that we will do them harm. Why live that way I ask? If you love something enough to buy it then you deserve to use it every day. I'm foraging through every nook and cranny here in the land of PEA and if I don't love it anymore or don't plan to use it, then away it goes.

If I do love it, then into the light it comes. To be used. If it gets broken or made unfit in any way then oh well. There's more where it came from. I'm gonna live with my stuff. Fortunately for me, and for many of you as well, I like my stuff old and with character so what's another chip or flaw going to hurt?

I have a fabulous collection of antique FRENCH monogrammed sheets. Heavy nubby linen that feels glorious next to my skin. They make a fabulous top sheet for my bed and that's exactly where they will be from this point on. I can rotate a different one from time to time to limit the wear, but any wear that comes will only add to the charm. It's a true indulgence that I am giving to myself. Give the bed a light spray of linen water in lavender scent and it's a delicious way to drift off to dreamland.

So I encourage you to spoil yourself a little. Bring your treasures into the light and live with them everyday.

You deserve it...


  1. I totally agree with you, we should use our besties all the time. I have a collection of those gorgeous 19th Century French linen sheets as well, and use them. There is nothing like them and they are worth every penny.

  2. I do use my nice things and really appreciate what I do have!!

    Art by Karena

    Come enter my Great Giveaway from the Novica Artisans!

  3. Shell, what a great reminder. You always show such pretty things.

  4. I couldn't agree with you more.
    There was a post on a blog not to long ago that showed her collection of goods, lots and lots of supply that she would never use...why have it I asked myself.
    If you don't have it out on display or use it in art work to share with others, whats the point in owning it tucked away that you yourself even forget about it.
    From the moment I read that post I went on a purge, getting all things out that meant nothing and using the things that did mean a lot to me.
    Like the saying goes, ya can't take it with ya...
    Take care

  5. Shelley....surely love that linen sheet. The monogramming is beautiful. Love your collection!

    Hope you are having a great week.

  6. Absolutely. We are on the same wavelength...trying to do the same here. Your monogrammed sheets are scrumptious! Take care...:)

  7. That's how I feel. The sterling is mixed with the silverplate. Good china in the kitchen cabinet. If I can't use it or it's not something my Mother made it's out of here!
    Did you see my Mama bird?

  8. I totally agree! that sheet is gorgeous enjoy it.

  9. My Mother never would use any of the god stuff... But after she past away I got everything out and started using it and I'm so happy I did...It's such a waste to not use it...


  10. I totally agree, but why don't we learn this wisdom at an earlier age. Use the good stuff while you are here! Chances are your kids will just sell it in a yard sale anyway unless they love it and we can't keep it all or take it with us! I put my every day utensils in the last yard sale and I'm eating with my silver! Feels good, same with that favorite bath towel, candle or soap! Great post! Hugs Marilou

  11. I love this post and I think you are totally correct. I have started doing just that. I have started using things that I always thought should be in a "display case" so to speak. We use cloth napkins all the time for economical reasons as well as the fact that I feel "fancy" we I use them. I like to pull out the "good" dishes when our family sits down to eat a meal and not just save them for company.

    Bring them to light! Love it!

  12. Very very true post! When my boys were little I lost many a treasure to their rough housing but what good would it have been in a cupboard? Now I can remind me them of the time they shattered my Fenton glass vase:)

    I have lovely things out now, I don't have the room to store anything and I love using them now that my boys are too big to break everything:)

    What is the point of putting things we love away and not enjoy them! Great post
    have a PRETTY day!

  14. Oh I totally agree with you, use the pretties and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.


  15. you go girl! I love this post!
    I made that very same decision a few years ago and I am lovin' it!
    At first my hubby asked me where I was going or what's special about the evening...Now, he also gets it.
    We are actually using his grandmothers silver as our everyday flatware!
    Everyday is special!
    I don't have any vintage linens of my own...but after sleeping at Rebecca's on hers...I am on a hunt for some
    Have a wonderful resto fo the week!

  16. Aren't those gorgeous! Great advice. I'm sending an email to the lunch bunch tonight. xoxo

  17. That's exactly the way I feel these days! Only thing I don't have any lovely linen sheets like those! They are gorgeous! Makes your bed look so inviting!

    Only 3 more months girl, it's getting close!


  18. Loving all your treasures. I just ordered a new coverlet and two shams for my bed and can't wait to use them......great post!


  19. Amen to that! I've never quite understood why people are more worried about all the stuff than they are just actually enjoying. Material things can be replaced. Getting upset about broken things or stains is a waste of time. When that happens around here, I'm like "Oh well!" My summer vacation has officially begun and I will be doing a lot of purging and organizing. But since today is the first day, I will be taking it easy to begin. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  20. I love playing follow the leader...and you definitely are always out front! Whatever you tell me to do my captain...I will. Now let me go hunt down my step ladder and start pulling out the good stuff!

  21. Amen and Amen to that! I know that it may sound a tad morbid, but we should live out our day like it was our last. Why NOT use the best of what we have every day? What good does it do sitting in the cupboard? I say "go for it - and enjoy every minute of the ride!" ♥

    xoxo laurie

  22. I learned to do that from my Mom, hot chocolate from a beautiful tea cup is a cherished memory for me!

  23. Shelley,
    I love this post! Where did you get your awesome sheets? Marburger? I'd love to find a couple. I have so much beautiful stuff that I've collected for so long. I try to keep it out where it can inspire me everyday but with little hands in my house it's not always possible. I do use the 'good stuff' in my art tho. I see no reason to use copies or imitation when I have such a hoard of the real thing.
    I've missed you too! Thanks for the email. Now that schools out & Paper Cowgirl is over I'm back in blogland with my friends!

  24. Beautiful post, beautiful reminder!
    Living with and sharing the lovely things we have is a blessing and a gift! And your French linens are the perfect example of that. I just love the monogras!

  25. Hey Shell I am with you... use it - that's what it is there for. My mother in law saved and put away every nice thing she ever received, including slips, lingerie, even dishes... she was saving it for when she got a better house. She died of a heart attack at 52 and we had to go through her drawers and personal belongings... everything was still in the tissue she received it in. I thought it was such a waste.
    I just cut French monogrammed sheets and skirted my cupboards with them... I am shameless.
    Blessings to you today

  26. Sounds like sweet dreams at your house.
    I used to keep the few things my grandmothers left to me stored away, but soon realized they used them and would want me to use them as well. My friends can not get over that I use my grandmothers china and cloth napkins when they come over. I tell them my grandmother was very proper and would want me to serve my dear friends on it. Enjoy!

  27. ADORE your linen sheets, Shelley. Good for you for living with the good stuff. You've just inspired me to go find the old linen sheet that I have stored so that I can put it on my bed too :) p.s. saw your whole home in the "cottage of the month" and my only question is when will your home be featured in a magazine?!! LOVE your home!!!

  28. I couldn't agree more. Who is going to use them anyways? Have a fabulous weekend, Kellie xx

  29. Just recently, I started using my goods- my treasures. No more saving for special occasions-.
    Enjoy now..
    Thank you for sharing..

  30. I love this post and agree so much! Using things you love every day is wonderful! I started doing this several years ago and love doing so! I've been browsing your archives and enjoying your lovely blog. A new follower!
