Wednesday, June 8, 2011


So last Friday I witnessed the final chapter of the story of this nest, built in an old rusty sconce alongside the front door to my garden cottage.
 I had taken my granddaughter out to see the baby dove again.

 All of a sudden, the baby took flight right off the nest and over the fence, followed immediately by the mother dove. I hope with all my heart that it is safe and exploring it's new world.

 It was so fabulous to see this come full circle. A gift I've been given for sure. 

As it seems the mother dove intends to use it over and over, the nest will remain right there.



  1. So true to life! Our babies grow up, move away, but it's always nice to have a loving home to come home to.

    Your baby was so sweet, glad you enjoyed your time with her.


  2. We've had one nesting on our front porch too. We have really enjoyed watching them.

    Come see me!

    Janie @ Romantic Domestic

  3. So sweet, I'm happy to hear that all went well...


  4. So nice to be able to share this with your granddaughter too!
    :) Laura

  5. I got to see our baby barn swallows taking short flights this morning. Tonight when we came home from church, there they were all lined up on the roof, watching mom and dad catch their supper. So sweet!

  6. Wonderful! Well I guess we will have to wait until next year! Glad you got to see their farewell flight!


  7. HI,
    That was nice piece of natural event you told us. you know what i had the same experience about eight years back in Abu dhabi.But now here in India I have these squirrels making homes among the bromeliade and my orchid gardens.Birds only visit for shower and honey from my flowers.
    I like your bog very much. let it keep going!

  8. Thanks for sharing the story of these beautiful birds. Pretty cool to have an up front and personal view.

    Hope all is well with you latley:-)


  9. Well, we have children, they grow and then leave - wish I still had my Mum here. A fab experience you and the granddaughter have had x

  10. Oh Shell...I just know she waited for you to come out before she urged her baby on. What a blessing from God to see that flight of life...and to be able to share it with your g'daughter. Life is good!

  11. I loved this Shelley! And I loved Debbie's comment. I am sure that not only the momma dove will come back to nest again, but that her baby will also find a suitable home nearby too! Don't you just love the company of birds?
    hugs from here...

  12. Goodness...I just posted about some baby birds at our shop being fed by their Mama. I hadn't even thought of them flying away!

  13. So wonderful. Very pretty dove too.We dont have that kind here. Your nesthanger is gorgeous, No wonder she likes it and comes back. :)

  14. wow, i love that the dove actually made this into a sweet!

  15. Last year we had a baby cardinal in the store garden area. When he was learning to fly, I shut down the whole garden for 2 Saturdays to make sure he could fly! Isn't life sweet!
