Come with me into the garden for this week's installment of WHITE WEDNESDAY. I think I have said it before, gardening in Florida is a bit of a challenge especially if you have lived in another part of the US and know that there are peonies out there somewhere. But I digress... (sigh). So I try to give my garden the charm that I crave with crusty, rusty elements and fragments in my favorite WHITE...
Cute birdhouse from old pieces and parts. Notice something has taken up residence in the lower floor by chewing the opening. So much for the birdies...
Fab old rusty white wheelbarrow.
I love this white sunflower bird feeder.
One of my favorite hoe shields from my collection.
Iron garden chair that I found where? You guessed it~~in the trash!!! What is wrong with people?
A section of old concrete garden edging.
I never throw anything away until there is no other option. An old rocker that served us well now sits in the cutting garden...
Concrete bunny that guards my butterfly garden.
Architectural element on my garden cottage.
Old porch post and an old corbel on the garden cottage.
Old rusty, crusty vent cover.
White angelonia.
Fab old crusty painted trellis.
This piece would have protected the bottom panel of an old screen door. Now hangs on a section of old picket fence.
Another old trellis with a twig wreath.
Fab old architectural element on the porch.
Thanks for coming along. Until next week...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Posted by
6:09 PM
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Hi Shellie,
You have just made my day by showing all of your rusty crusty items in your garden. If you had showed me flowers like June has growing I would be looking you up to see what you are doing.
I am a Tampa Fl gal and I know well the challenges.
Loved your post. Hope to come see the shop someday soon.
If you are every in Tampa...look up the Summer House. You are pretty famous with those of us Summer House girls who blog.
beautiful!!! i love rusty white AND chippy shared some really lovely things!!!
Oh Shelly! You have some wonderful old, rusty, chippy whites just like we love it!!! Thank you foe sharing!
Love the warmth of your garden. You have an eye for beauty in unusual places. :)
Again, I just love it all. Guess what, I have a matching chair to the garden curvy chair. I just can't seem to part with it. Happy Wednesday, T
Awesome chippy white stuff!! If I had to choose my fav I think it would have to be the trellis w/star...that is just too cool! It all looks great...good thing I don't have to choose! :o} Know what you mean re: Florida & mother used to grow fabulous peonies in Massachussetts...I loved to watch the Japanese beetles on them... of course I was just a little kid, and had know idea that they were bad bugs...with the irridescent colors, I thought they were just neat!! Thanks for the "memory jog". *elaine*
And I've seen your Florida garden, it is wonderful and beautiful. One you can be proud of.
Great post Shelley.
My motto is 'must love rust' so this is right up my alley. You have the coolest rusty stuff around!
Thanks so much for sharing all your crusy, rusty garden beauties. I can tell we have like similar things. Glad you joined in on all the "White" fun.
Well I think your garden is fabulous
Looking at these photo's reminds me of a place that I go to shop. It's in a barn and her place inside and Out has all this type of charm. I might post that later in the future. Your post is Great!
Enjoyed your Whites-
I would love a garden like that, but my landscapers (in-laws) would never understand "chippy" as something good!
I sympathize with your peony craving. We can't grow them here in south Texas, either. You have some great garden items. I would love to see pictures of what you grow and of your garden cottage, too!
I have garden envy! You have the best garden ever! I would love to have a garden, but all this red clay won't grow anything! Not long now!
It looks wonderful! I love the colors and the rustic, vintage appeal. And the way you so creatively take simple things, or what others would consider trash, and make it a great part of your garden landscape!
Hi, I linked over from Love2Junk. Your white metal garden junk is just delicious! Stop by One Gal's Trash when you have a mo.
I have officially died and gone to chippy white heaven, love all your rusty white pics, Blessings, Janna
How fun, I especially love the old rusty vent cover...
Your collection of rusty crusty iron things for you garden are ossing with love and enjoyment. Absolutely the best. Thank you for sharing. I'll be back.
What a fun bunch of garden art. It keep people from concentrating on how the plants are doing. What a nice White Wednesday post. come by and visit.
So glad to have found you. I would not have thought your garden was in Florida. It had more a southern plantation feel with the beautiful old rusty and white chippy painted architecture. Soooo my style. I'm with you on throwing out a has to fall completely apart before I can thru it out and even then I try to reuse the parts somehow.
Thanks for doing White Wednesday!
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