Sunday, January 1, 2012


It's a tradition on New Year's Day to take down all the Christmas decor, including the tree, here in the Land Of Pea...

It's so weird,  I really miss that tree...

It was the first real tree in years, and I felt a connection to it. It looked so pretty with it's white lights and antique mercury glass ornaments in silver. Like it was wearing jewelry...

I actually said goodbye to it as Mr. SweetPea hauled it out the front door...

And then I had this thought...

I'd like to just take every single thing out of this house and completely rearrange it...

New paint, the whole shebang...

The whole house...

Do you ever think that? Wouldn't you love a blank slate?

Not getting rid of it all but zhushing it about?

It's no coincidence that I just got my new White Issue of Country Living...

And there's something about taking down those decorations...

Call me crazy.

I might just do it...

Would you?


  1. currently doing it, :)
    I am at peace with less is more

  2. I am going to get rid of a lot of stuff this year... it's weighing me down!

  3. You should defenitely do it - this is the perfect time...fresh start for a new year and January is usually pretty quiet AND there are lots of sales. Go for it - and don't forget to show us the pics!

  4. I would love to just haul it all outside and then edit edit edit. I'll just have to live vicariously thru you!

  5. Dear Shelley,
    well I see it's too late now, but my first advice would have been one I was given lately and that is "traditions are like rules and rules are there to break", well at least every now and then. You know here in Germany the tradition is to bring in the tree ( a real tree for that matter) on Christmas eve, so that it is a surprise for the kids who should not see it before. It always has been like this in our family and for several years now it always makes me so sad when I see all the pretty trees up in blogland long before I can put my own up, until last month someone (a US friend btw)gave me the advice to break the rule and I did it and you know what, I'm so happy with it! I put my tree up a whole week before Chistmas this season and it still looks frsh and pretty and I had so much more time to enjoy it. I still could not bear to put it out right now and will keep it at least until next weekend. So my advice for you is when you have a real tree again next year and you still feel like you can't let it go, break your own rules and just keep it for another week! The next thing I do is when I put my tree out, I put it on the porch to make it a winter feeder for the birdies. Birds and other little critters all love it and it looks very pretty too, with all the bird food hanging in it. I even ponder about keeping the tree for the whole year to see how it will look without needles. I already tried that last year too but then I had help in the garden and without asking me they just trow it away argh! I saw a bare fir tree in a magazine once and it looked amazing another kind of decoration, but still natural.
    Well now to cut the long story short and finally answer your question, yes! I often dream about starting all over again just like you described it and I think if it was possible I'd go for it!
    Happy new year my vegan friend!
    xoxo~ Carola

  6. YES! I'm not taking everything out, but I am repainting room by room. I want to change EVERYTHING! I'm neutralizing and lightening up. Paint is my friend. We're definitely on the same page!

  7. Oh my goodness Shelley! I would Sooo love to do that...but at your house? Which is already so fresh and perfect? I don't know how you could make it any better!
    It is my goal to purge, purge, purge this year...which of course is hard for me, the crazy collector that I am. But, you have inspired me to try!
    :) Laura

  8. I sorta am taking apart my entire house. We will be moving this summer and I do not want to bring a single thing with me that isn't going to be used and loved. I want a complete new look so I am currently repainting everything I want to keep white and everything else is making it's way out the door one by one. Some rooms are looking bare but I don't care, I only want what I love and nothing to clutter my new space with. Besides, it's going to make moving much easier when I don't have to pack a ton of junk.

  9. Your post really struck a cord with me! I have always had a real tree but this year when I was taking it down it is as if it was a friend I was saying goodbye to almost as if I didn't want it to go. I actually said gooodbye to it also!! This has never happened to me before!! Nice to know I wasn't the only one that said goodbye to my tree! Have a wonderful New Year!

  10. Sounds like a plan. We had a house fire years ago and I have been "collecting" furniture since, but nothing seems to fit. A coat of white paint may just fit the bill.

  11. i edited three times in the last seven yrs & everytime it felt soooo good! my recent edit is in the kitchen due to getting new cabinets & love it!

  12. I saw all the posts and I see everyone would want to do, no. I used to love to rearrange and change...I guess I am getting older and I have things the way I think they work and look best. So I will be the odd one out....and stay with the tried and true. But I hope you get to do it if you want to....have fun!

  13. Oh Yeah- I get that urge every so often. I love a fresh take on things. I haven't undressed the house from Christmas yet...but will be doing that this week. I am sorting as I go this year because I think next year will find us in new surroundings. xo Diana

  14. Always get the urge after Christmas to organize, purge, clean, and fluff the nest. Spent yesterday ridding and reorganizing the kitchen cabinets.It's a good thing!

  15. I know exactly what you mean! I said almost those same words yesterday about wishing I could take everything out and have a do over. Glad to know there is a group of us who feel this way. -------shannon

  16. It was hard to take the decorations down this year. I think I just didn't have them up long enough to enjoy. Next year I will start earlier and enjoy longer.
    So Would you paint your walls a color or would you paint them white?
    Can't wait to see what you come up with. I just know it will be an inspiration to me! Hope to see you at Mt. Dora. Take care.

  17. I think that I would like to get a real tree next year. Your's was certainly pretty. I can see why you felt the connection. My friend got a tree one year that she actually turned into a bottle tree. It really is pretty on her lanai.
    So if you painted your walls would you paint them a color or would you paint them white? Can't wait to see what you do.

  18. Oh,yeah!!! I'd do it in a heartbeat! Now's the perfect time of year to rearrange and freshen up and make new! Do it! And then be sure to show us the befores and afters!!! lol!

    xoxo laurie

  19. Hi Shelley! Wishing you a very happy New Year filled with many blessings and maybe even a bit of a redo too as it seems that's what you're itching to do. Although, I must say your whole house is gorgeous!!! I myself want to go whiter - would live to repaint living room, dining room and hallway all white. Just love white.

  20. Hello!
    Nice to meet and follow you! Come and have a peek at my blog when you have a chance.

    Ciao Bella!

    Creative Carmelina

  21. I love your home just the way it is but I
    Do understand the need fr change :)
    I started painting the kitchen cabinets white
    last summer, I hope to finish them up in the next 2
    months, so far I love the white
    Have a blessed New Year

  22. I would just think about doing it (and actually often do)...but not have the guts to do it knowing it would rain before I ever got it all put back together again...but I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  23. Hi, my name is Heather! Please email me when you can, I have a question about your blog!

