Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I've been trying to host a luncheon for CENTRAL FLORIDA BLOGGERS since before we went to Texas in the Spring but illness, the show, and life got in the way. But today it came to fruition and these lovely ladies came for lunch, comraderie and fun.

We ate some fabulous food contributed by all...

They came bearing gifts... Thanks everyone, I loved them all...

Please stop by and pay these fabulous bloggers a visit won't you?

Top row: Vicki (rustyroostervintage), Kathy (no blog but we are working on her), Carol (The Polka Dot Closet). Bottom row: Sylvia (My-trinkets blog), Sue (Suebees-karen sue blog), Susie (susie-frommyhometoyours).


  1. Oh Shell, looks like your party was a success, how fun is this. The food looked yummy and the company looked like a great group of girls. Great idea!

  2. oh,this looks like a fun warm group. each of you look so pleasant and that you had a great time. Bestest,Denise

  3. That looks like fun! I recognize Carol in there! I was at a luncheon today too...all 17 of us were wearing tiaras and fairy wings! It was awesome! (*_*) ~Stacy~

  4. Aww...I was there in spirit! Sure wish the timing had been a little better for me! What a great group of gals, and a delightful hostess for throwing this shindig!! I know it was FAB!

    Great to see some pics!
    Thanks, Shelley!

  5. How fun! We are trying to sale our home and then we will be moving to Orlando. I would love to meet everyone so hopefully you will host this again.

  6. That is so cool! I meet Carol this year when I was in FL to visit my girlfriend. Hmm...maybe I should try that here in MN.

  7. A party at your house!!!! I can't think of anything I would love more! I loved the pictures of your guests all together Shelley.
    I loved reading the post about momma bird on her nest. I hope things go well for her this year.
    Oh you must have had a blast at the flea Shelley. Great stuff!!! I'm in the mood for a good shopping trip myself.
    sending hugs...

  8. It is so nice to see those smiling faces and to be able to match them with our lovely blogging friends. It looks as if you had wonderful company and delicious food to share in your beautiful home Shelley! Perhaps the timing will be right and next time I can join you! Take care, Laura :)

  9. Oh, how I wish I lived closer to you...I would have loved to come to your house and visit. Such a good idea. One, I've thought about before, but where oh where is the time??

    Take care,


  10. Looks like fun...I wanted to come but other responsibilities got in the way. Hopefully next time I can join in and meat you. I know Sue & Kathy from Art Angels. Have a great day! Linda

  11. Shelley, Thanks so much for pulling it all together for the luncheon. I had a great time and it was surely fun to put faces with names and meet everyone.

    Once again, your home is so lovely and inviting, and always a source of inspiration to me.


  12. It was so much fun! Thank you Shelley for having us and your home is wonderful! I feel we all had a great time and new good friends have been made.
    Your the best Shelley!
    Hugs to you~Sue

  13. Shell,
    I think this is a wonderful idea. Don't be surprised when the group gets bigger and bigger.
    It ought to be against the law to have that much pretty in one room!

  14. Well shoot! I'm just outside Lakeland! ;)

    How fun for you all!!

    Loved seeing the pics!!


  15. I read on Vicki's blog that she was headed to your house, this is fabulous! Glad you girls had a great time!!

  16. some girls have all the fun~

    Sue Bee just won my giveaway

    I'm coming to Florida in July with my mom who lives in Bradenton ... I want to meet some of ya'

  17. isn't' it wonderful when you get the opportunity to finally meet fellow bloggers and kindred spirits? sooo jealous that you got to meet these fab gals! what fun!

  18. Looks like a fun day was had by all..and you were the hostess with the mostess!

  19. I'm so sorry I couldn't make it, I hope to meet all you gals at the next one! Looks like you had a good time together. Your home is simply beautiful!! Wow!


  20. What fun, Shelley! I'm anxious to meet Michelle from Emerald Cove and Diana from Nana Diana Takes a Break this summer at some local Fleas! Can't wait to give them both a real hug instead of a virtual one! lol! That last photo of everyone is just darling! :)

    xoxo laurie

  21. To the hostess with the mostess! Thank you for the great lunch...It went by so fast, we had hardly gotten started and then it was over :(.....We just have to do it again!! and then maybe again! Loved your beautiful home!!


  22. I am so glad we finally did it! Now, I am looking forward to the next one. Shelley, thank you for opening up your home to us. Girls, not only did she organize it and host it, she let us wander about her beautiful home and take pictures. Thanks, Shelley. It was a lovely time. If everyone is game for driving to Oviedo, I would be happy to host the next one.

  23. What a good lookin group, and the food rates right up there too! Looks like a fun time was had by all.....Hope all is well in your "neck of the woods"!
    Cathy aka GGJ

  24. Shelley, it was so wonderful to meet you and allow us to INVADE your home. You are so very talented in so many ways~ your home is absolutely stunning!I am still in awwwww! Thank you again for the fabulous food and your gracious hospitality! Hopefully we'll be doing this again & again & again!

  25. How wonderful for you all to get together like this. Looks like you had a great time and your home as so many interesting elements mixed in. Love it.

  26. Still sad that I mixed up the days. Would have loved to meet everybody and enjoy the afternoon with you. It looked like a wonderful time!

  27. What fun!
    Looks like a fun group. :-)

  28. I can see you all had a great time. Isn't it super to get together with blog friends!

    Art by Karena

    Do Come and enter my Great Giveaway from Serena & Lily!

    You will love it!

  29. How much fun was that? I would love to do something like that! Don't think there are that many bloggers in my area! And the fact my house is torn up doesn't help! Glad you girls had a nice day!

  30. Just popped over from Vicki's blog. Looks like you all had a good time. Your house is gorgeous!

  31. looks like a great time with some new and old friends

  32. I stumbled upon your blog by Carol. This sounds like such a lovely time! It is wonderful to gather with creative like minds! Your blog is lovely!
