Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Loose Ends

There are always some pics from the Texas show that don't fit into a particular post. They are the loose ends to tie up. So here are a few pics of friends and a few of things I found interesting.

Opening morning is so exciting. The anticipation is palpable. My friend Teresa Cano...Garden Antqs Vintage...comes to the show to snap pics.

Here's TOT...Time Worn Interiors...Teresa...and moi.

Teresa and I in front of my booth.

Is this the cutest. Just down the way from us at Marburger.

I love texture...The next three pics are stellar examples.

I finally got a pic this time of Peg and John from French Vanilla. Aren't they cute?

One of my fav pics taken. The "Pearl Girls" as I call them getting ready for opening morning. They model the scrumptious Magnolia Pearl Beautiful Wear designed by the fabulous Robin Brown aka Magnolia Pearl. Aren't they all so pretty?


  1. That bathtub bench is so much fun!! You took some great photos! It's always so nice to get a visit from you... and always nice to visit your blog! You're so inspiring!

  2. Great pics. They tell a lovely story. Love the bath tub bench. ~lulu

  3. Love those pillows with the crowns,hope you are well....all the best!!

  4. Love your pics! Those "Pearl Girls" are adorable.

  5. Hi Shelley,
    That bathtub sofa is so adorable!! What a unique idea. Your photos of the show are absolutely wonderful! And I have to say that your booth was FABULOUS!!! I wish I could have attended.
    As always I love your blog site, it's so inspiring!
    Take care.

  6. Love all of your loose ends photos. Those Magnolia Pearl girls do have the nicest outfits, don't they?!!

  7. I don't know...looking at that first photo I think you should have titled this post "Loose Women"!
    P.S. How on earth did you get Peg to stay still to get a photo?

  8. The pearls are lovely and look so comfy and romantique in their vintage-styled outfits!

  9. Can you imagine making a bench out of an old tub. I love it!!

    Hope you are settling down from your trip. Thanks for sharing all your photos with us.

    Take care and enjoy your day.


  10. Shelley I love all your great pictures, especially the one with you in it! You guys all look so great. I adore the picture of the Pearl girls. That would make a great postcard! Love it!

  11. I am so glad you take the time to show us what we are missing:)...seriously, it is so inspiring...the creativity is amazing!
    THANK YOU for the encouraging words you left for me.
