Saturday, March 20, 2010

Well Crap...

Pardon my language... I just talked to Teresa at Garden Antqs Vintage and she gave me the bad news on the weather to date in Texas... She was at Warrenton today setting up and it was COLD, MUDDY and WINDY.

Aaannnndddd they are predicting RAIN for the opening day of MARBURGER....

Okay now, I was totally under the impression that we had TOTALLY PAID OUR DUES IN THE WEATHER DEPARTMENT...

Last show we had rain... And I don't mean a drizzle... I mean buckets... The one before that we had wind...

Cold I can handle... I live in Florida so we get our share of heat and the cold is a break...

Come on weather people can you cut us a break...

Never fear... We are hardy stock... Even more than the postman...

We never let a little weather get between us and some good junk now...


  1. Oh no. I am so sorry to hear that! I thought Brimfield was the only Spring show that had rotten weather. I hope that you have an amazing show despite the weather. So wish I was going to be there but a quick trip to France was too hard to pass up :)

  2. hope things improve for ya!!! have fun in spite of mother nature!!!

  3. Thanks for the head's up. That is the day I will arrive. I think I will look for some nice mud boots to pack. I won't let a little mud stop me!!

    Happy Hunting,

  4. Shelley..well just maybe the 'weather forecasters' in Texas aren't any better than ours here. I'ts quite possible they are wrong! Think possitive (but I'd definitely still take some rain gear)!

  5. Well, says that it's only supposed to be "showers" on the 30th...not heavy rain or hopefully that's all it will be. Fingers crossed! We're out in the middle of Bar W Field with minimal covering, we're likley to get hammered if it REALLY rains!


  6. Yep I live 10 miles from there and I rode out yesterday afternoon to see if anyone was set up yet. We had a real good strom come through with lots of rain and now its very cold.
    It never fails when Warrenton/Round Top shows its going to be cold and raining...
    I have already taken my vacation days off and hoping for sunshine.
    Thank goodness the sun is out today but don't know for how long.
    Hope by the time you get here it will be beautiful and I hope to see you out there
    Good luck

  7. Not to'll have fun no matter the weather!! Chrissy

  8. Shelley, we were there yesterday and today dropping off the trailer and windy doesn't even begin to describe it. We saw a few tents blown over, but only because they had sides down. I watched the 7 day forecast this morning and the next chance of rain will be this week and then not again until the 2nd...but things can change. This is Texas after all! I don't have a clue this time on what to pack to wear! Good thing I got my love (ha!) to keep me warm!!!

  9. I know how hard it is when you work so hard for a sale and then the weather doesn't cooperate... we've had blizzards, floods, and power failures..I hope it clears up quickly and you still have great crowds and sales!

  10. Dang Shelley...I hope it doesn't get too nasty out there for you. I'll send some good vibes your way and hope for awesome (well, at least tolerable) weather for you all.
    Have a great show!

  11. I agree with The Brocantess...I thought Brimfield was the only rainy spring show! Sending sunny thoughts your way!

  12. A little Texas sized rain won't stop us shoppers!!! We'll be there, right there with ya, no matter what!

    And I think your pals are right... the weather will most likely change anyway!

  13. Normally I love any post that starts out Well Crap, but this time I feel a bit sad. I hope the weather gets better, even though I can't be there. Y'all work too hard!
