Saturday, January 9, 2010

Weather Report

So when I got up this am I heard what sounded like rain. I looked outside but nothing looked wet. So I stepped out the front door and there it was... Sleet! In central Florida! It made the prettiest sound actually. It has been a long time since Florida has experienced this kind of weather~~like twenty years or so. Now it's just drizzling and bone~chilling cold. I am off to snuggle up under a blanket and watch movies all day.

In other news, I was able to snag a booth in the covered pavilion for next weekend's Renninger's Antique Extravaganza. I will be in booth 522. I was planning to set up in the field again but Mr. Sweet Pea can't be there to help me and they are predicting rain for Sunday, so I thought the covered booth made much more sense. If you are coming out please stop by and say hello and check out the goods. Until next time, stay warm!!




  1. I wish I lived closer, I would be visiting your booth, you have the best treasures!!!

  2. I wish I could plan my trip to Florida around Renninger's! Oh, that would be fun!

    Stay warm. Wind chills here are below zero!

  3. Burrrr...! It IS cold! I'm staying inside today too! Glad to hear you got a good spot for the show!

    CYA then,


  4. It has been very cold in Poland also! I love the idea of snuggling up and watching movies all day. A cup of coffee and my puppy sleeping next to me, maybe watching Julie and Julia! Oh! I did this TODAY. :)

  5. I have been watching the weather in Florida and wondering how my oranges are doing. I'm a big orange juice fan. I hope you get relief soon from the cold.
    Good luck at your sale Shelley.

  6. You're having our weather and we're having NORTH POLE weather. Sad about the crops down there. I guess it's the farmer in me that worries about that stuff!
    Hope you had a good show!

  7. So wish I could be at the Renninger's show. I've got my fingers crossed for you!
