Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Giving Thanks

Tomorrow as we travel over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house (not really), and as I prove once again that my eyes ARE bigger than my stomach I am going to take a moment and give thanks for all that I am blessed with. My family, my health, my home, good friends and food in my belly are all things that I take for granted many times. This holiday season especially, there are so many struggling with just the basics. I give thanks to GOD for blessing me and mine.

Here's hoping you all have a blessed and safe Thanksgiving. I am taking a break from WHITE WEDNESDAY this week but I'll be back next Wednesday with a Christmas installment. See you then...

Happy Thanksgiving!



  1. Happy Turkey day to you and Mr. Pea, so hope you have a grand day with your family!!

  2. Have a safe and blessed journey to your Thanksgiving celebration!
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Hugs, Lisa

  3. Save room for pie! Have a wonderful day with your family. We are truly blessed! Happy Thanksgiving from my house to yours.

  4. Have a very blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!Looking forward to your WW Christmas!
