Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Masters~~Part Three

Anyone who knows Marburger Farms knows that the fabulosity factor is off the chain in booth H~15. Whose booth you ask? None other than TOT (Teresa Smith) and Craigy Poo of Time Worn Interiors. TOT is the grand master of vignettes and display and Craigy~~well let's just say he's got it goin' on in the table department.


  1. Absolutely Awesome!!! Wish I could have come. I hope just maybe for the Fall one (Please....) Love Tiina...

  2. wow!!
    what gorgeous images.
    so glad i stumbled upon your blog for the first time today

  3. I am drooling over the pics, I agree Teresa has it going on!!! Tootles, Janna

  4. Oh, I do love what Theresa does. My favourite is the hutch with all those spools of thread. Just fabulous! Can you believe she was worried whether she still had her mojo before the show?!!

  5. Awesome stuff. I love the shabby white table and chairs. Sandi

  6. I love all of her stuff, she completely rocks in my book, so VERY talented, Thanks for sharing your pictures can't get enough of all of the displays and ideas those awesome ladies have. Lynn

  7. Hey girl, I see great minds think alike!! Ha! Thanks for the post! Oh, and Lauri e-mailed and wanted to know where she can get the butter pat seeds! Please let me know!

  8. Just LOVE all these photos.....thanks for sharing with us...
    Be well, Laura
