Saturday, February 7, 2009

Home Sale February 14th

Please join us from 9am til 1pm on Saturday February 14th for our HOME SALE. You'll find SWEET DEALS (pun totally intended) galore! Everything will be priced to move and I know you'll find a treasure or two! Lots of smalls, antiques and vintage~inspired accessories, soaps, necklace charms, candles, too much to name!! Come early for best selection!

Sweet Pea
5200 Ardmore Dr
Winter Park FL 32792

Cash or checks only
No early sales please


  1. Why oh why do I live so far from you? Have a lovely time!

  2. i wanna come! i wish i could...have a fabulous show and sell lots and lots...

  3. Hi Shelley. I just viewed your blog for the first time. Love your booth and style. Would really love to travel to Texas and see the show. Blessings, carrell
