Thursday, June 5, 2008

What I Love~Part Three

Okay if you thought you saw this post and then all of a sudden it wasn't there, your eyes aren't failing you. Somehow when I posted my pics and then moved some of them around I caused a problem with the blog in general. My profile and links and everything else that is normally on the right side of the blog were somehow moved to the bottom of the page. I dunno! Look, when it comes to this kind of stuff I'm not exactly the sharpest pencil in the box. I admit it. So I deleted the post and here goes another try. Wish me luck.

I love grain sacks! The thick chunky linen ones, the ones with stripes, the ones with great graphics, I never met one I didn't like! I use them as bolsters on the beds and couch. I stack them under a table in the dining room. I even upholstered an old $5 stool I found at an estate sale. My most recent one has RP on it~Mr. Sweet Pea's initials! He thinks that one's his... He would be incorrect. Sorry but these are my personal collection and are not for sale.


  1. I love grain sacks also, but I don't have any, guess I need to buy me some.

  2. Wow, isn't the material so pretty on them. I can understand why you love them so...

  3. Shelley, these are great, I have had my eye out for little stools to cover in some of the sacks I have too. I normally sell thesee right away when I get them in the shop.

  4. Your collection of grain sacks is one of the best I've seen! J'adore the pic of the last one...if the stamped ones are for sale, I'm your buyer!
    Great blog!

  5. i just found your blog and i love it. you have a wonderful style. i bet your store was adorable. good luck with your new ventures. wish i lived closer - would love to come to one of your sales.

  6. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the olde grain sacks...think nubby ones best...would love to see more and price! Neat blog...and will visit often as I am a new friend. If you can, send pics of the sacks and price - Good Luck in your newest adventure, Judy

  7. I just found your blog and can't wait to look through your older posts. I just returned home from Florida.....Cape San Blas/Mexico Beach and would have traveled to see your store....I CAN"T wait to see what you are up to next and am really looking forward to seeing pictures of your invitation only sale!!!! Count me in!
    PS...I just began buying grain sacks and love them too! I have one to make a pillow of and another I am thinking of framing because I love the colors so much.

  8. I love these too, they are becoming hard to find.
