Thursday, May 8, 2008

What I Love~Part One

I thought it would be fun to do a series of posts on what I love/live with. I have several collections and seem to keep discovering new ones. While I admire homes that are sparse (especially from the dusting aspect!), I have to live with the fact that I am a "stuff" person. I love my things and I only have what I truly love around me. The first of my many obsessions are shaving mirrors. These can be tough to find and the price can be all over the place. While this collection is not large it is diverse. I hope you will enjoy these as much as I do.

PS~~These collections are my personal ones and so I'm sorry but they aren't for sale.


  1. These are gorgeous Shelley! I love mirrors too, especially the old, cruddy, speckled ones! xxoo, Dawn

  2. Hi Shelley!! So glad to see you added anonymous!! My ID is all goofed up and I can't fix it so haven't been able to comment till now. How are you? Did Teresa give you my email? Love your collection. I think I have one that hasn't sold and I'd love to gift it to you!!! Let me know how you are. We are getting ready for Brimfield, leave Monday. Hi to Rex (aka Mr Pea) kisses Peg French Vanilla

  3. I too have a passion for shaving mirrors, so if they ever came for sale, I'd want to buy them all!!
