Friday, November 9, 2007

Tis The Season

Happy Holidays Everyone! I've been busy as an elf lately getting the shop transformed into a Christmas wonderland! It was a lot more work this year as the shop is bigger and I fear I could have used a little more inventory! Oh well there's always next year! Here's a peek inside....

I am in love with all the fabulous architectural pieces I've added! But most of all, I adore the angel wings I found in Tennessee last summer and was going to hang them from the ceiling. But I'm sure you'll agree that they were meant to be used just as I have!

May The Joy Of The Season Be Yours!



  1. oh my goodness!!! i just saw the lovely wings on the feathered nest, they are just gorgeous!!!

  2. I just stopped by on my way from Dawn's Feathered Nest.

    Your shop is wonderful! I love the angel wings!


  3. I found you through Dawn at The Feathered Nest, you do have lovely taste and those wings are just heavenly!
    Miss Sandy

  4. Hi, I just came over from visiting Dawn..Where are you located?? I LOVE those green shutters!! Beautiful shop! Laurie

  5. I've found you through Dawn as well..I love it when we send each other to find something beautiful and wonderful. I'm glad I came!

  6. How lovely! I also found you thru The Feathered Nest. I love your store. And those wings are stunning!

    p.s. come visit my blog. it's my 100th post and I am having a giveaway!

  7. Oh my gosh...INCREDIBLE!!!! I adore your store and those angel wings...breathtaking!

  8. OMG, I'm speechless!!!!!!!!! I love it all, esp. the angel wings. Girl you are good; I love your taste!! I just may have to have that archectual porch awning, absolutely fabulous, over the top, I can't say enough...

  9. oh my!! I found you through Dawn. I love your shop, it is just heavenly!

    The wings, the old architectural pieces...LOVE them!You have a special "eye"!
    xo Lidy

  10. wow, just love your shop and your eye for display is perfeccttly charming, fouynd you thru Dawns blog,Feathered Nest.

  11. How gorgeous! Congrats on a beautiful holiday transformation! May all the joys of the season by *yours*. :)

  12. Wow.... that's all I can think of, lol!
    Well actually I can say plenty once I get started. I came over via Dawn's blog and am so happy I did! I've bookmarked you so I can come visit again and again...

  13. hUllO!
    New reader of your blog here. I adore the bulbs in the birdhouse! It's o so very me;}Thanks for sharing the eye candy.
    ~Blessed be U,

  14. What a lovely shop you have! My friend, Lana, sent me your blog link so I could come take a peek. The angel wings are beautiful, as are all the architectural pieces.....everything looks magical!

  15. Hi Shelley, my name is Shelley as well ! I love your shop and what a wonderful job you did with your decorating. It's so neat ! I love the angel wings.


  16. Shelley,
    You may be wondering why I am trolling thru your archives, or maybe your just thinking of taking out a restraining order...
    Last night Dawn was telling me how you used to have a shop (why don't you anymore?) & I should go look. Then I saw your famous wings. Those are the ones in your house, right? Tell me the story if you have time. Where on earth did you find them & how old are they?
    Your friendly neighborhood stalker,
