Thursday, April 28, 2011


So with the Texas experience behind me, and not much going on around here I am at a temporary loss for material to blog about.

Ever get that way?

I have begun a bit of shopping for the Fall show, and this Saturday I am heading to Lakeland for a market called THE FANCY FLEA so I'll be back with pics of the show and my haul.

Pardon the interruption please...

Monday, April 18, 2011


If you find yourself at the Antiques Week experience Spring or Fall, you must make LEFTOVER'S in Brenham Tx. a destination. This shop is a feast for the eyes, ears and palate when they host their twice yearly open house for the Antiques Week crowd.

And you never know who you'll run into...

GINA GALVIN, the fabulous force behind PEACOCK PARK DESIGNS and MICHAEL BREDDIN, one of the owners of LEFTOVER'S ANTIQUES.

DEBBIE DUSENBERRY the fabulous owner of CURIOUS SOFA now online and coming to a home near you, the infamous PEARL and LINDA MARCOV OF WILLOW NEST chatting in a cozy corner.

My bestie CARLA from HIGH COTTON & CO. looking super cute.


RACHEL ASHWELL and the wonderful TIM from THE BLUE CANOE. I love you Tim!!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


happened on the way to Texas... or two or three or four...

So we set sail for Texas and drove without incidence until we hit the Tallahassee area where I requested a pit stop at a rest area. I love rest areas because they are clean and a quick in and out.


At this particular one Mr. Sweet Pea didn't have to go. So since he was staying with the truck and trailer to check wheels, axles and other man stuff I decided to leave my purse in the truck. I hate it when there's no hook on the door for my purse and then I have to balance that with all the other shenanigans, you get the picture. I got in, got out, all good right? As I came out of the restroom I saw Mr. Sweet Pea across the parking lot doing the universal sign for WHAT THE HELL and immediately the lightbulb went off. Not an Oprah lightbulb moment mind OH CRAP moment.

I had meant to lock only the door on my side of the truck but instead had locked the whole truck running with our cell phones and my purse with all the AAA stuff safely inside. Oops...

Sooo while Mr. Sweet Pea tried to get a piece of wire through the window area to open the door, I set about to find someone with a cell phone and AAA. Mission accomplished and just as I was getting a priority AAA dispatch underway the ever resourceful Mr. SP popped the door open.

We didn't even argue (gasp).

So away we go and it's not long before we need gas and pull into our favorite truck stop to refuel. Let's just say I never miss a bathroom stop along the way and off I go this time and every time with my purse from here on out.

I enter the restroom and push open a door. An open door. To my surprise and her's for some reason is the tiniest elderly lady I have ever seen. I guess she was surprised that she hadn't locked the door. I moved on. So I come out and head to the sink.

What is with me and frogs in the bathroom? Go HERE to read about Prince Charming in my bathroom at home... Anyway this little guy is there to greet me at the sink in a truck stop. Is this an omen that I don't know about?

Okay onward. Down the road many miles and again time for a bathroom break. I head to the ladies room at the rest stop. Fully assume that the purse is on my shoulder. As I enter there is a little girl in a stall, door open and next to her her mother, door open as well. What's with this trend I wonder? I've seen more people using the bathroom on this trip than I care to in a lifetime. Just sayin'....

So by now wouldn't you think the story would be over? Yeah but unbelievably there is a final chapter... We had made it to our stopping point (sort of) near Pensacola. We stop at our friend's house going and coming back. As we neared the point where we get off I~10 we were dangerously low on fuel but Mr. Sweet Pea thought we could make it.

Mr. Sweet Pea was wrong, oh so wrong. Kind of wiped the slate clean for the keys in the truck incident if ya know what I'm sayin'. Out of gas right in front of the exit sign. And as I watched my prince jog up the exit ramp I never felt more at peace.

And we still didn't argue (double gulp)...

Monday, April 11, 2011


Tent H at Marburger Farms is home to a treasure trove of talent... It's where you'll find my booth as well as many of my dearest compadres. Hope you kept your bibs from yesterday cause it's time for more droolin'...

First up is TOT (Time Worn Interiors). She and her hubs Craig put together a fabulous booth full of industrial treasure.

Next we have Lauri from Lauri Evans Designs. Her booth is a mix of romance and rustic, a look I adore.

Alice and Jay's booth blew us all away with these fabulous bathtub chaises. Could you die?

My bestie Carla did a gorgeous job painting some pieces and to no surprise they all sold...

Franklin and Donna bring some of the best primitives I've ever seen and we were so glad they were back this time. Check out that old couch, one of my favs at the whole show! Very RL don't you think?

And finally Peg and John VanDyne better known as French Vanilla... Get ready cause I'm gonna hurt ya with this one...

Did I lie? Have you had to change your shirt yet? Go on, take another look...

Dare ya.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Pass the bibs folks and get ready to drool over some of the fabulous booths in tent A at MARBURGER FARMS SPRING 2011 show. These dealers never disappoint...


John and sweet Robin

Next up is the uber talented JUDY AND BILLY HILL. Words cannot convey the fabulousness of this booth...

Across the way from Judy is TERRI'S beautiful booth...

Next we have Linda and Ludmil of WILLOW NEST... Delicious...

Patrick and Karen's booth is always full of great finds and they are the nicest people you will ever meet...

That's just a sample of the talent in Tent A. Next up we will head over to Tent H where you will find myself, Time Worn Interiors, Lauri Evans Designs and many others. Stay tuned and hang onto those bibs, you'll be needin' 'em...

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