Thursday, June 25, 2009

I'd Rather Be In Paris

After participating in the swap that Mary from VINTAGE PATINA recently hosted, I organized my own called I'd Rather Be In Paris (wouldn't we all?). Yesterday I received my package from my partner~the lovely Lauri~of 2CHIPPYS. Nestled among the shredded paper and bubble wrap were these goodies....

Not one but two brown transferware pitchers, and three brown transferware saucers (Lauri knows I love these), 2 linen towels with a pretty fleur de lis stamp on them, a fab cork covered journal, a black beaded rosary, and two adorable little fabric pictures of Frenchy mademoiselles.

Merci Lauri! I hope to post about the other participants swap goodies as they send me their links, so please check back.



  1. OO LA have the link to my post...It is as if I sent Donna a list of things I WANT/LOVE/LUST...heaven! thanks again my friend....ox lulu

  2. My goodness what a wonderful swap partner you have!!! Such lovely goodies!!

  3. I haven't recently become addicted to brown or black transferware. Haven't bought anything old or authentic yet, but got some little tea-cup plates at Value Village (reproductions) that I hung in my kitchen! Love the pitcher!

  4. Wow, Shelley, those are beautiful things that you received - love that brown transferware!
