Friday, May 25, 2012


So here I am, finally posting! Guess you've noticed that I am posting less these days...

You can blame Facebook for that...

I confess, I spend my time and energy promoting my biz page there...


I have never been busier. Since we got back from Texas it's been non~stop, seriously...

So what has changed?

Well, I found that I bit off more than I could chew considering two booths at Adjectives.

So, I have smooshed everything into one and added two killer antique doors as a divider between my booth and the one I gave up.

I've got another huge project in the works and hope to be able to let you in on it very soon...

Until then, stay creative....

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Remember the fabulous veggie bin I snagged at Renninger's a while back?

Well, I ended up keeping it (surprise!) cause it was so darn awesome.

It landed here, in my dining room as part of a little vignette with a column and a chair I redid in old grain sacks.

You like?

I thought you would...

Thursday, May 3, 2012


So as many of you know SWEET PEA HOME has given up our space in Mt. Dora

and taken a new one at ADJECTIVES MARKETPLACE in Altamonte Springs FL.

Closer to home base.

We've got a new look at ADJECTIVES.

Dusty chalkboard walls and a fabulous industrial vibe.

Come see what ADJECTIVES MARKET is all about!

1215 E. Altamonte Drive
Altamonte Springs FL

Open 7 days 
11am til 7pm