Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Actually they're hazel...

But that doesn't rhyme does it?

Yesterday was my birthday...

I turned 52...


Don't get me wrong, it really is just a number to me. I'm not bummed out, freaked out or burned out.

Really I am mostly amazed. How did I get to be 52?

My daughter~in~law asked me how it felt to be 52...

Well, pretty much like it felt to be 51 the day before...

I'm not getting older...


Wednesday, June 22, 2011


So happy to announce that my GARDEN COTTAGE has been featured in STORAGE SOLUTIONS magazine!

Page 141, upper right corner. There it is, my little cottage! It even got a "best case" tag! I picked my copy up at Home Depot and was surprised that it has alot of good articles and suggestions in it.

Who would think all those years ago when it was built that magazines would find it worthy?

Pinchin' myself again.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Do you live with what you love?

Do you use the "good" dishes or store them away for special occasions only?

Do you save your best outfit for certain functions or do you wear it every chance you get?

Do you live in fear of breaking a treasure or getting a spot on your favorite clothing?

Do you have so much stuff stored away that you've forgotten what you even own?

We all do it. We keep our treasures safely tucked away, rarely using them for fear that we will do them harm. Why live that way I ask? If you love something enough to buy it then you deserve to use it every day. I'm foraging through every nook and cranny here in the land of PEA and if I don't love it anymore or don't plan to use it, then away it goes.

If I do love it, then into the light it comes. To be used. If it gets broken or made unfit in any way then oh well. There's more where it came from. I'm gonna live with my stuff. Fortunately for me, and for many of you as well, I like my stuff old and with character so what's another chip or flaw going to hurt?

I have a fabulous collection of antique FRENCH monogrammed sheets. Heavy nubby linen that feels glorious next to my skin. They make a fabulous top sheet for my bed and that's exactly where they will be from this point on. I can rotate a different one from time to time to limit the wear, but any wear that comes will only add to the charm. It's a true indulgence that I am giving to myself. Give the bed a light spray of linen water in lavender scent and it's a delicious way to drift off to dreamland.

So I encourage you to spoil yourself a little. Bring your treasures into the light and live with them everyday.

You deserve it...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


So last Friday I witnessed the final chapter of the story of this nest, built in an old rusty sconce alongside the front door to my garden cottage.
 I had taken my granddaughter out to see the baby dove again.

 All of a sudden, the baby took flight right off the nest and over the fence, followed immediately by the mother dove. I hope with all my heart that it is safe and exploring it's new world.

 It was so fabulous to see this come full circle. A gift I've been given for sure. 

As it seems the mother dove intends to use it over and over, the nest will remain right there.
