Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tree Styling

Like many of you, I like to decorate my holiday trees with their own unique personality. This year I wanted something different for my big tree in the living room, so in addition to the silver and white ornaments and white berry garland I used some of the fabulous tags I have collected from various talented artists. I love how it turned out and hope you do as well. Here is a tour of trees in my home...

The "tag" tree. A 7' slim pre~lit tree in an old concrete urn. The tags are all from etsy sellers.

The dining room tree is a table~top tree in an old crusty white bucket. This tree gets a mix of new and old silver ornaments and creamy cotton icicles.

This is a new addition to my home this year and I call it the "bling" tree. It has seam binding with old buttons, an old watch and a collection of old pins. It sits in a crusty old light fixture.

I love this old bottle brush tree.

I have a pair of these silver trees on the mantle in black iron urns.

This tree is in the kitchen on top of the refrigerator. It looks good just bare I think.

I adore this "Charlie Brown" tree.

I couldn't resist a night shot of this twig tree on the porch, shot through the lace curtain.


  1. HI Shelley, Each one is just gorgeous! You have given me some great inspiration! Love their individual "personalities". The last photo shot at night thru the lace is just wonderful!!!

  2. Oh I so enjoyed looking at your trees with their own personalities.... How lovely. Enjoy....

  3. Beautiful trees...every one of them! You have a lovely home and a great sense of style...enjoyed your decorations!
    Take care, Laura

  4. I am liking the bling tree! And what is going on with the wall behind the tree on your fridge? Is that a wall treatment or what? Cool stuff, Ms. Shelley. Your home is gorgeous! ~Mindy

  5. Shell, love the tag tree. There's a similar one in Country Living this month. I always enjoy seeing what you'll do next.

  6. Wonderful ideas! I love the tag fact, I love it so much, I think everyone should send you a card to add to it. Maybe with a special sentiment written on it. All I have is business cards, but I can write Merry Christmas on it!

  7. Hey T~~well just when I thought I had an original idea about the "tag" tree... Oh well great minds think alike I guess (haha). I hadn't noticed that tree in CL to be honest.

    Hey Mindy~~thanks for the compliment. Those are just the upper cabinets over the fridge that are so hard to use.



  8. Ok, I'm ready for you to decorate my Christmas tree! All your trees look fabulous Shelley.

  9. Your tree decoration is adorable! I especially love your living room tree!

  10. Shelley, it's a regular forrest at your house. A forrest of beautiful, beautiful trees, every one! The tag tree is an amazing creation.
    I love your holiday banner!

  11. Beautiful tree presentations. Adorable little tree in the old light fixture housing.


  12. Shelley, I love all of your Christmas trees, every one, but my favourite has got to be your bling tree - just perfect, especially with that stand!

  13. That is the absolute BEST idea, and one I never would've thought of! Of course, you know how this works, right? I'm stealing your brill idea for myself! ;-)

  14. Love all of them,think the tag tree and the charlie brown are my favorites....great post!! Chrissy

  15. hi, shelley! your photos of each tree are wonderful...i think i love them all:)


  16. I love the tree post! I'm always looking for 'perfect' slim trees, so that first one might be my favorite. Or was it the little bottle brush tree, or the "charlie Brown" tree? Luv em all!

  17. I'm loving all your trees. You have some great ideas for bases. I always try to think of new ideas each year. I'm a little late on my decorating this year, but will hopefully have some time to work on it now.

    Hope everything is going well with you. Take care.


  18. Everything looks so wonderful!
    Happy holidays!
    Christina :)

  19. I love your use of creams and chocolate -- absolutely inspiring! Have a wonderful holiday season!

  20. Love this!!! Brush trees are my weakness. My you have a great 2010....thank you for sharing so much with us.

    Take care
